Jeff Haanen
Reform Retirement, Redeem Investing

In Al Wolters’ book Creation Regained, he makes the point that Christians are reformers, not revolutionaries. A revolutionary wants to wipe the slate clean and start over, but a reformer seeks to restore something that’s been tarnished, acknowledging that it was once good. “Humankind, which has botched its original mandate and the whole creation along with it, is […]

S2E7: Jeff Haanen on Rethinking Retirement

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary We hear a lot about planning our finances for retirement. But what does it look like to plan our time? Many retirees find that a nonstop vacation isn’t as fulfilling as they had hoped. Dustin […]

Jeff Haanen
The Missing Piece of Colorado’s Pension Crisis: Rethinking Retirement on Labor Day

Labor Day, the federal holiday dedicated to honoring the dignity of work, is a fitting time to take a fresh look at Colorado’s pension problems and offer a new perspective.This June, news outlets were in an uproar when Colorado Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA) CEO Gregory Smith praised a paltry 1.5 percent return on 2015 investments as […]

David Rupert
Finding Purpose

When I was in college, I remember having a conversation with a few friends about one of our classmates who was 30 at the time. We called him “the old man.”As young men, we talked about aging in dire terms, framing it in the context of our parents and grandparents. We decided that the 40th […]

Amy Hanson
Amy Hanson on “Baby Boomers and Beyond”

Amy Hanson, nationally-known speaker and author of the book Baby Boomers and Beyond: Tapping the Ministry Talents and Passions of Adults over 50. joined us as a keynote speaker in a past event. In this excerpt from her book, Hanson explains the potential impact Baby Boomers could have in their later years.For nearly a century, there […]

Jeff Haanen
Ellen Snyder: Hope for Retirement (Video)

When Ellen Synder was 65, she and her husband retired and moved to Arizona. But the golf, long lunches, and games of bridge left her feeling empty. She returned to Colorado, wondering if God had another purpose for her retirement. In her late 70s Ellen heard God’s call to serve. Watch Ellen’s story (4:57).  Are you […]

Dan Steiner
When the Paychecks Stop Coming

I have to admit something. The reality of retirement is becoming less and less of a significant goal in my future plans. It’s not that those future years are so far down the road that I can’t yet grab hold of retirement as an approaching reality. And it’s not that my retirement account just isn’t […]