How to Reconcile Cultural Differences in the Workplace with David Bailey

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary Christ calls us to be peacemakers in our relationships, communities, and world, but what does that mean for our lives at work? Whether it’s pressure to adopt socially acceptable attitudes to fit the latest corporate […]

Citizenship is Our Common Calling

Editor’s note: This post originally appeared in Capital Commentary, a publication of the Center for Public Justice.For many Christians, our citizenship can best be characterized by the hope that it is somebody else’s job. I am regularly told what I should do or not do to “fix our broken government,” where government is always the […]

Jeff Haanen
The “Culture Hole” in Our Annual Giving

So many charities, so many choices. This time of year, year-end fundraising appeals pour into our mailboxes. How are we to decide between the many worthy nonprofit causes that are asking for financial support?If you’re anything like Kelly (my wife) and me, you have to make this choice carefully. We’ve set aside a certain amount […]

Brian Gray, Dan Reed
Generosity Raising

At Denver Institute for Faith & Work, we want to see people creating good work, serving others sacrificially, and thinking theologically about their work. And we enjoy the stories of people who do so.Dan Reed is a friend who lives out of a thoughtful understanding of calling applied to his work in fundraising. Over lunch, […]

Time For a New Narrative About Business and Philanthropy

A generation ago, the nonprofit community was the main place to find people focused on transforming the world for the better. It used to be that if you wanted to make money you’d start a business and if you wanted to make a dent in global poverty, transform a local community, or care for widows […]

Joanna Meyer
A Thoughtful Approach to Year-End Giving

In the weeks leading up to Christmas, my mailbox overflowed with Christmas cards, circulars for holiday sales, and letters from nonprofits and ministries encouraging year-end giving. At times, it felt like the solicitation letters outnumbered Christmas greetings from friends! Maybe you’ve experienced a similar phenomenon. The University of Pennsylvania’s Center for High Impact Philanthropy reports […]

Jeff Haanen
Stories of Hope: A Reason to Be Generous

Today is Colorado Gives Day, Colorado’s biggest one-day event to give to your favorite nonprofit. As I take a look at the past year, I can see all kinds of reasons to give to Denver Institute for Faith & Work. (But hey, since I’m the executive director, I’m biased!) Perhaps one of the best reasons to […]

Jeff Haanen
Ellen Snyder: Hope for Retirement (Video)

When Ellen Synder was 65, she and her husband retired and moved to Arizona. But the golf, long lunches, and games of bridge left her feeling empty. She returned to Colorado, wondering if God had another purpose for her retirement. In her late 70s Ellen heard God’s call to serve. Watch Ellen’s story (4:57).  Are you […]

Joanna Meyer
Vocation at History Colorado

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at a museum? Since its debut in 2012, History Colorado, formerly the Colorado Historical Society, has wowed visitors. It’s engaging exhibits attract crowds, but walk through the soaring atrium and down the back stairs, and you’ll discover the historical society’s heart beating amidst the sawdust […]

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