WONDER: A Scientist’s Gift to the Church with Jennifer Wiseman

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary What does science teach us about God and how He works? How can Christians better understand the scientists in their midst? In this episode, Joanna Meyer and Brian Gray hear from astronomer and astrophysicist, Dr. […]

Faith, Science, and Vaccines: Christians Working at the Heart of the Pandemic

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary How should Christians think about the vaccines developed in response to COVID-19? What was it like to work on the frontlines of science and healthcare during the height of the pandemic? Joanna Meyer talks with […]

Aimee Minnich
The Biblical Concept of Gleaning and its Implications for Faith-Driven Investing

Editor’s note: This content was originally published for the Christian Economic Forum’s 2019 Global Event. This content is shared with Denver Institute for Faith & Work with consent from CEF. Aimee Minnich is a speaker at “Business for the Common Good” on Friday, Jan. 31, 2020.As faith-driven impact investing grows, so too does the confusion about how […]

Becker Polverini
Privacy’s Deathblow: 5G, AI, and the Believer’s Response

Editor’s note: This content was originally published for the Christian Economic Forum’s 2019 Global Event. This content is shared with Denver Institute for Faith & Work with consent from CEF.Artificial intelligence (AI) stands in the midst of a renaissance. Once underfunded and haunted by failed, grandiose claims of all-powerful machines,1 AI has transformed into the hot technology […]

Tim Weinhold
Artificial Intelligence and Job Loss

There is growing concern about an AI-driven future in which there aren’t enough jobs to go around. Not just a shortage of good jobs, mind you, but a shortage of jobs, period. A swelling chorus of economists, and other experts, foresee a future in which highly-skilled, well-paid jobs exist only for a shrinking minority. For […]

A Fellow’s Project: Tackling the Risks of Social Media Technology

For all its redemptive potential, we often hear about technology’s darker sides: a retail company loses customer credit card information; a popular social media platform sells user data to advertisers; and a search engine skims private emails to deliver relevant ads. Making matters worse, the apps on our smartphones seem to command our attention rather […]

Max Anderson
Part II: Is Silicon Valley Immoral?

This is the second half of a piece republished with permission from Medium.com. Find the first installment here.Is Silicon Valley Immoral?Second verse, same as the first.If you think Harvard is an immoral place you probably think Silicon Valley is too, given the preponderance of HBS alumni in positions of leadership. The valley’s self-image is the nerdy […]

Alex Siemers
Contentment and Busyness

As a college student, I was pretty unique in the audience for Denver Institute for Faith and Work’s event at Denver United Church on September 25. However, it truly was a privilege to be among the 175 people who gathered to hear Eugene Peterson’s wisdom on work. As Eugene was talking, there were a couple […]

Jeff Haanen
What Can the Bible Contribute to Our Understanding of Technology?

John Dyer joined DIFW for the Faith & Technology Forum in 2013. Ahead of the event, I did a brief Skype interview with John on his book From the Garden to the City: The Redeeming and Corrupting Power of Technology.Even though I struggled to get the Skype recorder working (I apologize for the slow frame speed), […]

Jeff Haanen
10 Questions We Should Ask About Technology (Pt 2)

What are the stories we tell about technology and even, What is technology?Here’s a few more questions to consider:5.      What is the value-system embedded in particular kinds of technology? Twitter conditions us to consume small bits of information – the quick soundbite reigns. Microwaves – and the inglorious TV dinner – gives us the ability […]

Jeff Haanen
10 Questions We Should Ask About Technology (Pt. 1)

Yellow light. It’s a faithful way to start thinking about technology.  Whereas a green light would tell us to “go” and adopt any and every new tool and device the market offers, and a red light would mean rejecting new technologies outright as evil or at least corrupting to the way “things should be,” a […]