Jeff Haanen
The Pearl of Vocation: Why I Bring My Whole Self to Work, Including My Faith

When I was in elementary school, my mother took my older sister and I to Lake Itasca State Park for summer vacation, located in the cool northern woods of Minnesota. A life-long teacher, she would glory in making the outdoor visit into a lesson: spotting the diving loons in search of breakfast, explaining the history […]

Catherine Sandgren
5 Ways to Integrate Our Faith & Work

The Christian life is one of constantly receiving and returning, and from this exchange we are deeply formed. One touchpoint where we encounter this exchange is in places of corporate worship. In Matt Kaemingk’s most recent book, Work and Worship: Reconnecting Our Labor and Liturgy, Kaemingk discusses the concept of bringing to the communion table […]

Ryan Tafilowski
“Weekending” for the Work: Connecting Work and Worship

What makes a human being a human being? Is it that we are homo sapiens — sophisticated animals with the capacity for abstract reasoning and complex language? Or are we homo faber — creators of culture, builders of civilizations and empires?Yes. No. Both.It’s not that these characterizations of human beings are wrong, exactly, but they […]

The Science & Spirit of Calling

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary What do Christians mean when they talk about “calling”? How do we discern what ours is and how do we implement it into our lives? In today’s conversation, Joanna Meyer and Brian Gray talk with […]

Faith, Science, and Vaccines: Christians Working at the Heart of the Pandemic

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary How should Christians think about the vaccines developed in response to COVID-19? What was it like to work on the frontlines of science and healthcare during the height of the pandemic? Joanna Meyer talks with […]

Kristi Rathbun
How the Psalms Invite Us to See Work in a New Way

Work and worship. To the average churchgoer, these things belong to different realms, different arenas of life not meant to overlap. Compartmentalizing secular and sacred life can seem appealing, particularly when times are tough and our jobs leave us shouldering stress and anxiety. Some yearn for that spiritual escape, to enter the sanctuary and leave […]

Lydia Shoaf
Holy Worldliness

I once heard a pastor say that his parishioners would often comment on how hard it was to go to work in “Godless workplaces,” day after day. The pastor responded, “It’s not Godless, if you are there.” This pastor’s words came to mind—but I began thinking of their meaning in a different way—as I read Matthew […]

Matthew Kaemingk – Why Work Has a Place In Our Worship

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary How can ministry leaders help lead congregants to engage their weekly work alongside their Sunday worship? In this episode, Joanna Meyer and Brian Gray talk with Matthew Kaemingk, author of Work & Worship: Reconnecting Our […]

Making the Most of Life’s Transitions

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary What does it look like to navigate life’s transitions well? How do we adjust to changes in our lives and our workplaces when things are difficult? In this episode, Joanna Meyer and Jeff Haanen talk […]

Jeff Haanen
Why Faith & Work? (Part 2) – Work

Editor’s note: This is the second in a three-part series. To learn more, take a look at Why Faith & Work (Part 1).We had lost our footing until Stephen Raifsnider showed up. Actually, I ripped it up. First the toilet clogged in our main floor bathroom — repeatedly. (How is that possible from such little girls?) […]

Leading Up: How to Influence When You’re Not in Charge

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary What does it mean to “lead up” within an organization? How do employees in the middle of a company positively influence those above them? In this episode, Joanna Meyer talks with Brian Gray and two […]

Jeff Haanen
CityGate: Launching a New Initiative for Leaders

It was 2016. I was two years into launching Denver Institute. One day I woke up and realized a painful truth. I have no idea what I’m doing. So, I got on the phone and started calling friends and peers around the US. Geoff Hsu at Flourish San Diego; Lisa Slayton, then at Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation; […]