Chris Horst
To Our Heroes Wearing Trucker Caps

A big rig rolled past our family bike caravan. The driver delighted our kids by laying on his air horn as we waved to him. With four kids under age ten in quarantine, we seek and savor all our outdoor moments. Our family bike rides these days make us look at the traffic all around us in a […]

Drew Yancey
Faith and Work After Covid-19: A Gelassenheit Way Forward

Editor’s note: This article originally appeared at Patheos.Gelassenheit. The word struck my soul as soon as I saw it. I was early in my PhD program in religion and theology, pouring through the history of early Anabaptism. My research focused on the relationship between Christian and business ethics and I knew I had just stumbled […]

S6E1: Who Are We Becoming? Faith and Work’s Most Important Question

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary Where is the faith and work movement going, and what can we learn from its history? How do we balance the strengths of capitalism against its excesses? Jeff Haanen talks with Drew Yancey, author of […]

Olivia Duncan
6 Ways to Reframe the Time: Family Intentionality During a Pandemic

Over the past couple of weeks, many of us have felt the tension of doing our jobs well at home while having your child, a spouse, or even roommates barge into the new “office.” My husband and I have been navigating the awkwardness of both working from home in our one-bedroom apartment. We are constantly […]

S5E7: Common Questions About Work (Part 2)

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary What does “integrating” our faith and work look like? How do we love our neighbor through our work? And is “work/life balance” even possible? Hear more from Brian Gray, Joanna Meyer, and Dustin Moody as […]

Drew Yancey
Leading Through Relationships

“Drew, how am I going to feed my family?” The question haunts me to this day. It was 2013, and the U.S. government had just shut down. The year before, I had taken over as CEO of a distribution company. The company was well positioned, which is how I was able to convince many of […]

Joanna Meyer
Soul Care for Uncertain Times

Maybe your day started like mine: Before I crawled out of bed, I scanned Twitter, Facebook, and The New York Times for the latest COVID-19 updates. Where was the disease spreading? How are friends in Spain and Italy faring? Will Denverites be asked to shelter in place?Thirty minutes later, I realized the error of my […]

Deep Rest: A Study of Sabbath

Who hasn’t dreamt of getting away from it all? Maybe you long to escape the depths of winter on a sunny beach, or perhaps you look forward to time alone at a mountain cabin. It’s normal to seek relief from the pace of modern life, but few vacations provide the deep rest our souls need. […]

Jeff Haanen
Designing Workplaces to be More Human

We spend about a third of our waking lives at work. And yet, for the majority of people, work is not much more than a paycheck. We feel lonely, especially men. We feel like there’s a gap between our job responsibilities and our own potential. We often feel exhausted and question whether our work is […]

S5E6: Exploring the 5280 Fellowship

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary Does God care about our work? What does it look like to be a Christian in the workplace? Brian Gray talks with two alumni of the 5280 Fellowship about the program’s impact on their faith […]

S5E5: Abraham Nussbaum on the Renewal of Healthcare
Ryan Tafilowski
The Gospel and Work

Editor’s note: This is the third in a three-part blog series exploring “Every Good Endeavor” by Tim Keller and Katherine Leary Alsdorf. The Denver Institute for Faith & Work Book Club will explore books, share ideas, and encourage each other as we integrate our faith and work. Share your thoughts in our private Linkedin Group. […]