Olivia Duncan
Reflections from “The Faithful Artist”

Artists often feel misunderstood and isolated as they pursue their craft. While the work of an artist can inspire us to experience life and God in new ways, their work can be lonely and frustrating. On Thursday, Sept. 26, Denver Institute for Faith & Work hosted The Faithful Artist, an event to explore and engage […]

Joanna Meyer
Why Men Are Welcome at “Women, Work, and Calling”

Why would a man attend a “women’s” event? After all, that’s A LOT of estrogen in one place! But the secret’s out: Women, Work, and Calling is a powerful place for women and men to understand how we serve together in the workplace, the church, and our world. We asked three men who’ve previously attended […]

S4E2: Working in the Presence of God

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary How can we put faith into practice in our everyday, working lives? Shannon Vandewarker and Denise Daniels, co-authors of the new book, Working in the Presence of God, share practical ways to experience God in […]

Dustin Moody
The Artist’s Voice: Integrating Faith & Work

As part of the application process for our past event, “The Faithful Artist”, we asked each artist to reflect on the relationship between their work and their faith. We’ve highlighted a few of their responses below, and we’re excited to see their created works on display soon!Q: What life rhythms or habits have you adopted […]

S3E6: Neil Hudson on Whole-Life Discipleship

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary How can Christians be messengers of the gospel in their context of work? How can churches disciple people to embody Christ’s message of redemption in all of life–not just the times we’re gathered together? Neil […]

S3E5: Sabbath Questions & Answers

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary How should we view the Sabbath in light of Old and New Testament teaching? What does Sabbath rest look like, and how can you plan for it around kids, work demands, and other obligations? The […]

Olivia Duncan
Maddie and Paul Voge: How the 5280 Fellowship is Changing Lives

We recently interviewed Maddie and Paul Voge, who completed the 5280 Fellowship, a nine-month leadership program in spiritual formation, professional development, and civic engagement.  Maddie began the 5280 Fellowship working as a freelance copywriter for a small company in Boulder, Colo., and is transitioning to a tech company this fall. Paul began the 5280 Fellowship […]

S3E3: Michael Lindsay on Leadership

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary Can leadership be learned? If so, what can the world’s best leaders teach us about leading well? In this episode of The Faith & Work Podcast, we hear from Michael Lindsay, president of Gordon College […]

S3E2: What Research Tells Us About Work in the U.S.

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary How do Christians in the U.S. approach their work? Do men and women experience the demands of work differently? What role can churches play in equipping believers to serve God in their workplaces? Jeff Haanen […]

S2E9: Sabbath Rest with Tara Owens

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary What does Sabbath rest look like for modern society? Why do many of us struggle to develop healthy practices of rest and reflection? In this episode, Tara Owens, spiritual director and founder of Anam Cara […]

Jeff Haanen
How a Teacher, Pediatrician, App Developer and Corporate Lawyer Are Co-Laboring with Christ to Make All Things New

At “All Things New,” DIFW’s annual fundraiser and celebration of vocation, four professionals in the DIFW community shared how God is using them in their work to “make all things new” in the context of their daily work. Here are their stories:Britta Apple – High School English Teacher One area of brokenness that I encounter […]

Jeff Haanen
What Can I Really Do?

This is an excerpt from Jeff’s keynote talk at “All Things New,” DIFW’s annual fundraiser and celebration of vocation. Several weeks ago, I got a text from my wife: “This school shooting…just hurting today. K-12 Douglas County charter school 3 miles from our house. And our kids head off to another K-12 Douglas County charter […]