David Rupert
Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker

Handmade soaps. Artisan ginger ale. Bottled perfumes. Small-batch roasted coffee. Custom meats.  Craft breweries. If you are noticing resurgence in goods and services produced by people using traditional artisan skills, you’re not alone. There is a growing respect and deep interest in the do-it-yourself trades. It’s no longer a surprise to find people actually making […]

Jeff Haanen
The Quiet Unraveling of Work in America

On August 1, 2007, the I35W Mississippi River bridge in Minneapolis looked like any other bridge in America. Commuters stuck in rush hour were waiting impatiently, talking on their phones and assuming they would get safely to their destination. Yet at 6:05 p.m., a strange noise was heard lurking underneath. Suddenly, the bridge collapsed, sending […]

Paloma Douglas
Not So Small

A 5280 Fellow in the 2016-2017 session, Paloma Douglas found her work in the public school system informed and encouraged by the conversations she was having with her cohort members about faith and work. This is her narrative of her role, showing the program’s impact on her personal faith and daily tasks.   I sense a […]

Jessica Schroeder
Work Like A Full-Time Employee

Work as a full-time employee…whether you are one or not. This charge may sound odd to you, regardless of whether you work full- or part-time hours. If you’re working part time, this message is partly for you. Perhaps you are already working full time. You may be thinking, “How does this apply to me? I’m […]

The Problem With Following Your Passion

There is a growing awareness within the financial industry of the need to work with the next generation. But the type of help millennials need is often very different due to their stage in life and financial situation. If we define wealth broadly, typically the biggest asset they have is human capital (or future earning […]

David Rupert
Straight Lines: Why Orderly Work Matters

He used a device on a tripod and I had no idea how in the world it worked. That was his department. And someone else was hauling the fence posts. Someone else was mixing concrete. My job was to dig the holes centered where the stakes had been meticulously placed. Digging holes isn’t precise work. […]

Jeff Haanen
Work Makes the World

The following is a speech given by Denver Institute Founder and Executive Director Jeff Haanen at the January 13, 2017 fundraiser “Work Makes the World.” To make a donation to Denver Institute, go to our give page.I’m often asked by friends and donors why I started Denver Institute for Faith and Work in 2013. It […]

Laura Bernero
The Danger of Being a ‘Doer’

A young woman stares at us looking exhausted – and yet, exhilarated. She is fueled by coffee and (we can presume) little else. Her cheeks are hollowed and her hair disheveled, implying that her body is worn out by speed and demand of her work. Her sleep-deprived state is compared to drug use. She is […]

Jeff Haanen
The Public Good of Faith Expressed Through Work

It’s often assumed that faith is a private matter. Fine for your personal life, but less appropriate in the workplace or public life. Yet time and time again, I’ve seen that when faith becomes a public matter – and is expressed as working for the good of one’s neighbor – there are transformative results for […]

Jessica Schroeder
The Tension of Being Young in the Workplace

If you’re a young person in the workplace, you may be feeling a mix of emotions about your work. As exciting and rewarding as your job may be, you likely feel the inherent tensions that come with being the age you are.  In one sense, you’re stoked. Life has just begun…the world is your oyster…you’re […]

Jeff Haanen
Work, Profession, Job, Vocation, Occupation, Career or Calling? Getting Clear on Language About Work

“You don’t just have a job, you have a vocation!” Really? It feels more like I need a vacation. “Some people have a calling,” my father said to me. “But most of us just have a job.” “Profession? Sounds like what rich people do. ‘Round here, we just work.” “I think I’m gonna quit. I […]

Case Thorp
Andy Crouch, What Does the Faith and Work Movement Need to Hear?

In early February, I probed the thoughts of Andy Crouch, author, blogger, and speaker. Crouch had just resigned as executive editor at Christianity Today and moved to the John Templeton Foundation as a communication strategist. His books and speaking engagements have made him a thought leader on culture, and connected him notably to the faith […]