Jeff Haanen
That “Eye-On-the-Object” Look

The world is a distracting place. Email, Facebook, open office spaces, iPhones, and insanity-inducing apps with red pop-up bubbles demanding attention. What would the opposite of a distracted work day look like? Check out this statement by W.H. Auden: “You need not see what someone is doing to know if it is his vocation, you […]

Jeff Haanen
Why I Started Denver Institute

Dear friends,I am often asked by friends and donors why I started Denver Institute for Faith & Work (DIFW) back in 2013. Seems like a strange (“esoteric” I’ve heard!) thing to do in the evenings while working a full-time job.I generally answer, “I started DIFW because of three growing convictions in my heart about the […]

Dan Steiner
Learning from Millennials’ Outlook on Work

The Deloitte Millennial Survey 2016 provides a window into this generation’s outlook on work. Those born after 1982 have become the largest generational segment of the American workforce, and report an overall positive outlook towards work. There are plenty of stereotypes out there, some of which depict Millennials as lazy and void of a work […]

How to Work Holiday Retail Without Losing Your Soul

Holiday retail. Just the words conjure up images of crowded parking lots, long lines, and looks of desperation in the faces of shoppers too numerous to count. Whether you’ve worked holiday retail in the past or this is your first season, you’ve probably got a growing collection of horror stories about rude, impatient customers. Meanwhile, […]

Jeff Haanen
Let Your Life Speak

The beloved Saint Francis is remembered for saying “Preach the gospel at all times. If necessary, use words.” It’s an appealing thought. What if we never had to risk talking to a friend or colleague about Christ, but instead “let our lives speak” to communicate the gospel message? Unfortunately, there’s no evidence that St. Francis […]

Catherine Alvarez
My Mission Is My Workplace: A 5280 Fellows Reflection

The 5280 Fellows program has been so much more than I expected. I originally applied because I felt God saying that my mission field was my workplace. I felt led to apply for the 5280 Fellowship so that I could be better equipped for this calling. I didn’t really know much about the program, I […]

5 Ways to be a Christian in the Workplace

Regardless of how far we have come along in religious rights in the workplace, there still remains a certain uneasiness of just how to handle expression of faith in the workplace. There’s a fear among managers, often intensified by the legal or human resources department, about religion in the workplace. Policymakers have exaggerated perceptions of […]

Katelyn Beaty
The Why Behind the Work

The following is an excerpt from A Woman’s Place: A Christian Vision for Your Calling in the Office, the Home, and the World by Katelyn Beaty. (It’s been reprinted here with permission from the publisher.)  When people have learned I’m writing [A Woman’s Place], one common response has been, “Oh, kind of like Lean In […]

Can Your Job Make You Happier?

A recent New York Times article addressed this question – Can your job make you more happy? – summarizing social science research findings into two responses.(1) More money doesn’t guarantee more happiness. Increased income that provides people more creature comforts (e.g., bigger homes, nicer cars, more gadgets) does not create measurable increases in a person’s […]

Jill Anschutz
Books (and Podcasts) Worth Cozying-up With This Fall

One thing our team at Denver Institute has in common is we all love to read. I asked each staff person to share a book (or podcast) recommendation I could pass along. So pull out the blanket your aunt crocheted for you, brew some tea, and dive into a new book that will challenge you to bear witness […]

A Strategy for Restoring Dignity to Your Work

This blog post is part of a special Labor Day series. Denver Institute uses five guiding principles to shape its work. Today’s topic is the fourth principle, “Seek deep spiritual health.” Embracing Christ’s call to “come follow me,” we value listening to the Holy Spirit, practicing the classical spiritual disciplines, confessing our sins, and submitting […]

Labor Day Series: Think Theologically

Happy Labor Day!The U.S. Department of Labor describes today as a tribute to “the creator of so much of the nation’s strength, freedom and leadership – the American worker.” Work is where culture is made as we live out our callings, serving our neighbors and our God.In honor of Labor Day, this week we’re reflecting […]