Spiritual Formation at Work

By Susie GradeThere is so much written in the ancient scriptures about our work! Paul of Tarsus said:”Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your work in the Lord is not in vain.” (I Corinthians 15:58)I used to think that my “work in the Lord” was just my […]

God’s Sabbath Confronts Our Success

By Ryan Farrell By the end of the 1800s, the Industrial Revolution was in full swing and demanding long and brutal workweeks from working class adults and children alike. Then Henry Ford came along and concluded that something had to be done. So he instituted a 40-hour workweek for all of his factories — and […]

The Journey to Full Employment

This is the second post in a three-part series about the power of business to transform the lives of the poor. Read the first and third posts here.  This series is related to our past event, Creating Good Jobs for Our Community. Aside from the occasional babysitting gig, my first job was working at Paul’s Place, a now-defunct […]

The Dignity of Work

“What is your favorite thing, in less than three sentences, about work?” That was the question Madison Chandler, the co-founder of Purple Door Coffee in north Denver, asked 19 year-old Kaylee, one of her employees.It’s a good question for any of us, but perhaps even more important considering Kaylee’s story. Not only does Purple Door […]

The Heart Behind “Why You Hate Work”

By Brian GrayEarlier this year, the New York Times helped you answer the question “Why You Hate Work.” But before you balk at that massive assumption, research by Gallup suggests that only 30% of Americans “feel engaged at work.” That drops to only 13% when the population extends internationally across a sample from 142 countries.“The […]

Four Sermons on Work

In the past several months, I’ve been honored to give four different sermons on work in the Denver Metro area. If you have some time this week, download them onto your iPhone or iPod (remember those?) and listen on your way to or from work. I’d love to get your feedback.Here they are. I’ve included […]

Not Quite All of Human Life…But Close

On June 30, 1944, while sitting in a Nazi prison cell, German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote: “Jesus claims all of human life, in all its manifestations, for himself and for the kingdom of God.” But what do we really mean by “all” of human life? I was recently having this discussion with my friend Jared […]

The World’s Best Outreach Strategy

How are we going to reach out to our culture?It’s a common question in church world. Do we have a fall festival? Sponsor a 5k? Chili cook off? Day of service at the homeless shelter? Mission trip?The idea seems to be this: We’re here…in church. They’re out there…in culture. We need to “reach out” to […]

Alex Siemers
Contentment and Busyness

As a college student, I was pretty unique in the audience for Denver Institute for Faith and Work’s event at Denver United Church on September 25. However, it truly was a privilege to be among the 175 people who gathered to hear Eugene Peterson’s wisdom on work. As Eugene was talking, there were a couple […]

What the Whole World Wants

Christian Overman is Founder and Director for Worldview Matters.On the basis of Gallup’s World Poll, Jim Clifton, CEO of the company, concluded that what the whole world wants is a “good job.”But what makes a job “good?”Pay is not the most important factor. Having a job that doesn’t provide for the basics is a problem, of course, but pay alone does not […]

Jeff Haanen
What Might Your Work Give to the World?

When Hunter Beaumont worked for one of the Big Four accounting firms in Dallas, Texas, his office looked out a 55th floor window. Far below, on the other side of the city was Dallas Theological Seminary. During day, he was an accountant. But during the evening, he took seminary classes. The distance between his 55th […]

Connect Your Work to God’s Work and Great Things Happen

“When we connect our work to God’s work, great things happen in our communities.” Dr. Amy Sherman, a senior fellow at the Sagamore Institute, addressed a crowd of 120 pastors and ministry leaders at Leadership Journal’s third “Redeeming Work” event. Speaking in historic Mile High Station, a renovated steel factory, Sherman gave three clear reasons “why vocation really […]