We are proud to serve Denver and the Rocky Mountain region through our events and the 5280 Fellowship, and technology like podcasts and online courses amplify our message throughout the country and around the world. In addition to the thousands of podcast listeners and Scatter users engaging with content, DIFW carried the faith and work message beyond Denver in 2019.

Drawing on the influence of his book, An Uncommon Guide to Retirement, Jeff Haanen wrote the March cover story for Christianity Today. “Saving Retirement” challenges traditional views of retirement as perpetual vacation and offers a more faithful view of this season of life as an opportunity to rest, seek internal renewal, and re-engage society as “elders” filled with wisdom and blessing.
Over the summer, Jeff represented Denver Institute at the Lausanne Global Workplace Forum in Manila, Philippines. With attendees representing over 110 nations, the forum energized the global church for workplace ministry. Jeff spoke about his Christianity Today cover story “God of the Second Shift,” about how the faith and work movement can better represent the working class.

Finally, in December 2019, the New York Times highlighted several faith and work organizations around the U.S., including Denver Institute, and examined a new approach to economic justice. As Molly Worthen explains, the faith and work movement “has become much more ideologically diverse — and far more interesting” in recent years. “Participants are moving beyond the idolatry of the free market to a conversation about economic justice that doesn’t align so neatly with culture war clichés or party platforms.”
Editor’s note: “Expanding Our Reach” is a series of posts from the 2019 Annual Report.