At Denver Institute, we strive toward a future where every person’s work brings hope and life to their city. But we recognize that the places where we live and work can be extremely pluralistic and polarized. This is especially true of our political climate over the past 20 years, where Christians are often seen as a political problem rather than a source of progress and loving solutions.
If we are to be people committed to the Gospel, to our places, and to faithful civic presence, we’ll need to navigate the thorny path framed by extreme Left and extreme Right political ideologies. And we’ll also need to resist the unhelpful temptation that many of us feel toward political cynicism and abandoned hope for positive legislative change.
Over the past few years, we’ve looked for helpful and faithful Kingdom voices to inspire our own faithful civic presence. Below are a few resources that may help you seek hope and life within your places through faithful political engagement.
The Faith & Work Podcast has featured multiple guests offering perspectives and practices for faithful engagement in civic life.
Below are three ways to keep learning about political engagement: a free e-book, a digital course, and video content from a previous event.

Faithful Public ENGAGEMENT

Politics at twilight

Politics of Neighborly Love
We highly recommend these books on faithful civic life from past Faith & Work Podcast guests:
Compassion (&) Conviction: The AND Campaign's Guide to Faithful Civic Engagement by Justin Giboney, Michael Wear, Chris Butler, & Barbara Williams-Skinner
The Evangelical Imagination: How Stories, Images, and Metaphors Created a Culture in Crisis, by Karen Swallow Prior