Is there hope for housing?
What is behind this question and why would Denver Institute for Faith and Work be dealing with housing?
In our FOR Campaign–a five-year strategic plan we began this year–we are identifying three significant civic issues that we want to help impact over the next five years. Housing affordability will be one of them, for several reasons:
It is one of the primary civic issues impacting the Denver-Boulder Metro areas, primarily affecting the working poor and the shrinking middle class.
Listening to business leaders, we've repeatedly heard that housing costs–both renting and owning–are a major factor in their ability to attract, retain, and compensate employees.
Housing costs are an incredibly complex problem with many root causes. It will only be addressed well when private and social sector leaders work together. We hope to catalyze these kinds of collaborations, and we are aligned with other area nonprofits that are dreaming the same dreams.
We'd love to see those we serve grow in their awareness, advocacy, redemptive creativity, and vocational service toward this issue so that Christians might be known for credible love of their neighbors, through their work.
While Denver Institute's work on this issue will be ongoing, May 2024 represented a month full of opportunities to bring hope and life to this complex problem. Watch this 10 minute video interview with Jessica Dominguez from Abundant Ground who we are partnering with on several efforts, and see the list of ways you can learn and advocate with us below.

YIGBY: Yes In god's backyard!