
is an entry point for people anywhere in the world to access new ideas about faith and work.


Read books written by current and former Denver Institute staff members that address the tensions you experience in your faith and work.

Spiritual Disciplines for Your Work
Brian Gray
Working from the Inside Out: A Brief Guide to Inner Work That Transforms Our Outer World
Jeff Haanen
An Uncommon Guide to Retirement: Finding God’s Purpose for the Next Season of Life
Jeff Haanen
Virtue & Vice at Work: Ancient Wisdom for a Modern Age
Ryan Tafilowski
available January 2, 2024
Faithful Work: In the Daily Grind with God and for Others
Ross Chapman
Ryan Tafilowski
available October 24, 2023
Women, Work, & Calling: Step Into Your Place in God’s World
Joanna Meyer


At The Faith & Work Classroom, we bring you experts from a variety of industries to explore questions about faith and work through free, online courses.
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The Denver Institute blog includes stories about individual workers, academic articles, theological studies, and personal reflections to examine the many aspects of faith and work.

Abby Worland
Naomi Hartman Joins Denver Institute as Public Engagement Associate

Editor’s note: We recently welcomed Naomi Hartman to the Denver Institute team as our Public Engagement Associate. Naomi and I talked about her prior work and what she’s most excited about at Denver Institute. Our conversation below has been lightly edited for length and clarity. How did you first connect with Denver Institute?Naomi: ​​I first […]

Jeff Haanen
The Public Good of Faith Expressed Through Work

It’s often assumed that faith is a private matter. Fine for your personal life, but less appropriate in the workplace or public life. Yet time and time again, I’ve seen that when faith becomes a public matter – and is expressed as working for the good of one’s neighbor – there are transformative results for […]

Jeff Haanen
What Greg Thompson Can Teach Us About Living as Christians in Cities

Occasionally you meet somebody that shines with such virtue that you are, perhaps for the first time, made aware of your own poverty of spirit.When I met Greg Thompson during our Thriving Cities symposium in late October, I almost immediately felt the weight of his glory. Before speaking to the crowd, he almost desperately asked […]

Jeff Haanen
Why Work Is at the Heart of God’s Mission

Almost every Sunday morning at church, as we finish the final songs and benediction (and I prepare to pick up my crew of girls from Sunday School – now four!), I find myself asking the same question: What is the Church sent into the world to do?This is a question that my friends in pastoral […]

Jeff Haanen
How To Choose a Career: Advice From a Puritan Pastor

“What am I called to?” That’s the question it seems most of us are asking. My friend Nathan is a pastor of young adults, and without a doubt, nearly everybody he knows hates their jobs. The question “What am I called to?” is often followed by “It can’t be this!”The fact that 70% of Americans […]

Jesus, Remember Me (Last Words of Christ Pt. 2)

Summary As Jesus is dying on the cross, a conversation occurs between the two convicts who were crucified on either side of him. One of these men then says to Jesus, “Remember me, when you come into your kingdom.” Then Jesus says, “Today you will be with me in Paradise.” By allowing this conversation to […]

Valor & Mercy: Attributes of Wise Leadership with Hannah Stolze

Summary Dr. Hannah Stolze, a supply chain expert and author of Wisdom-Based Business, explores the biblical themes of valor (chayil) and mercy (hesed) in leadership and work. In this episode, host Joanna Meyer shares Hannah’s keynote from Women Work and Calling 2023, highlighting how wisdom in Proverbs and Ruth shapes ethical and impactful business practices. […]

Meryl Herr
Angry at the Office: Moving from Hurt to Healing

In my book, When Work Hurts: Building Resilience When You’re Beat Up or Burnt Out, I describe three categories of work hurt: disappointment, disillusionment, and devastation. Like the AHEN model I shared in my previous post, this framework can also help us analyze our work hurt to understand what’s making us feel angry. Three Types […]

Meryl Herr
Angry at the Office: How Paying Attention to Our Emotions Can Help Us Understand Our Work Hurt

Have you ever felt angry at work? Maybe it was last week when someone forgot to reload the paper drawer in the copier or last month when your coworker missed an important deadline. Perhaps you silently brood over the pay gap between men and women in your organization. Or you could be someone who erupts […]

The Hardest Prayer: Forgiveness (Last Words of Christ Pt. 1)

Summary In this first episode of a seven-part series on the last words of Christ, we examine Jesus’ prayer “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” In order to forgive we must first realize our deep need to be forgiven. We also can pray this prayer before we really “mean it.” Episode […]

Voices from the Workplace: Selling Your Business with James Ruder (Guest Hosts: Jeff Haanen & Spencer Williams)

Summary Our guest today is James Ruder, former owner of L&R Pallet and current owner of FenceRight, who joins us to share his journey of faith and business transition interviewed by guest podcast hosts Spencer Williams and Jeff Haanen.. After years of leading L&R Pallet and implementing transformative hiring practices, James made the difficult decision […]

Souls are Idol Making Factories (Then Sings my Soul Pt. 3)

Summary Psalm 115 is a profound examination of the shadow side of our souls, what the Bible calls ‘idolatry.’ In this episode we examine how our souls both “make idols” and are in turn made by them. Episode 44: Souls are Idol Making Factories (Then Sings my Soul Pt. 3) Hosted by Jeff Hoffmeyer, Denver Institute’s […]

Voices from the Workplace: Navigating Grief at Work with Kevin Colón

Summary Kevin Colón, Communications and Community Engagement lead for the Town of Superior, played a crucial role during the devastating 2021 Marshall Fire. As flames tore through neighborhoods, he became a steady voice and guide for a community in crisis. Join us as we reflect on the shocking destruction in LA, where wind-whipped fire caused […]


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Explore more about faith and work through Denver Institute’s free downloads and e-books.

A Collection of Prayers for Our Daily Work
Getting Clear about Calling
The Call to Commerce: 6 Ways to Love Your Neighbor Through Business
Faith-Based Investing: A Guide for Financial Advisors
Politics at Twilight: Faithful Political Engagement in an Age of Ideology
Called Together: A Biblical Look at Gender in the Workplace
Deep Rest: A Study of Sabbath
Experiencing God’s Purpose & Presence: Digital Devotional