Dear DIFW Family,
Wrapping up my time as CEO is both strange and exciting for me.
It’s strange because I’ve spent most of my career building DIFW. Since our inception in a small office in Denver, board members, donors, staff, and ultimately thousands of people in Denver helped build something thoroughly good.
Committed centrally to the far-reaching effects of the gospel of Jesus Christ, a community was formed around 5 Guiding Principles: seek deep spiritual health, think theologically, embrace relationships, create good work, and serve others sacrificially. Together we convened leaders through public events, poured into the lives of early to mid-career professionals through the 5280 Fellowship, and equipped the broader Body of Christ through courses, podcasts, and publications. By God’s grace, we saw people change. And we saw the Spirit bind together a diverse set of Christians across occupations for the sake of a common mission to form men and women to serve God, neighbor and society through their daily work.
Laying down the role as the CEO was the right move, for me and for DIFW, but I’ll surely miss the team and seeing so many of you!
It's an exciting time, however, because of what’s in store for the future of DIFW. As I hand the baton to Ross Chapman, I have full confidence in his leadership and the future impact of DIFW. He brings to the team a sharp mind, a compassionate heart, and the ability to convene leaders from a wide variety of backgrounds, industries, and denominations. Also, as DIFW grows in its ability to resource leaders across the faith and work movement, Ross brings new expertise working in the city transformation movement, historically committed to the gospel and a biblical vision of justice. I look forward to seeing what God will do in this next season of DIFW’s growth.
In January, when I announced my transition, I quoted the apostle Paul, who thanked God for the Church of Thessalonica and for “your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 1:3). Indeed, I too feel that gratitude for each of you.
I’m grateful for the chance to do good work with brilliant, faithful people for 10 years, and I eagerly look forward to staying connected as a supporter of DIFW’s good work in Denver and beyond.
As I head into the “secular” world, now I have the same task as each of you: go and represent the good news of Jesus through my work and actions to an unbelieving world. What a beautiful task we’ve been given. And what a kind, gentle God who would invite us into doing His work with Him.
Ever grateful,
Jeff Haanen