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When you think of the word "neighbor" who comes to mind? As Christians, we are called to "live with God in all of life"- in the office, at the grocery store, and in our neighborhoods. In this episode of the Faith & Work Podcast Joanna Meyer and Catherine Sandgren interview Chris & Elizabeth McKinney, speakers and authors of the book "Placed for a Purpose: A Simple Sustainable Vision for Loving Your Neighbors".
On boundary places:
"Paul says in Acts 17 that God has marked out our boundary places. And he has assigned our place where we will live so that we can interact and reach out and be a blessing to those around us."
On living into God's story in your neighborhood:
"You want to live into God's story in your neighborhood. Since God has moved towards you, you want to move towards others. So walk out your front door and be like, 'God is at work behind the scenes. I don't know what He's doing, but I believe that He's at work'."
On forgiveness:
"One of the amazing things we can bring about our relationship with Christ into our neighboring is forgiving."
If you enjoyed this conversation be sure to check out Chris & Elizabeth's book, Placed for a Purpose: New Ideas for Neighboring, and visit their website.
If you want to learn more on this topic download "Reimagining Our Cities" a free, 3-session course in the Faith & Work Classroom featuring author Greg Thompson and Prof. Josh Yates of the Thriving Cities Project.
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