The quest for ideological purity is badly disrupting our common life, in part because it is feeding our rapidly accelerating trend toward polarization. The demand is now not simply general support of a party platform, perhaps with some qualms, but total and pristine ideology—and that goes for both the Right and the Left. This is an especially difficult state of affairs for Christians who find themselves in a bind as they try to engage thoughtfully in the public square and to vote in ways consistent with the values of their faith.

How should Christians think about partisan politics?
What is the common good, and what does it have to do with voting?
What does incremental improvement and compromise look like today?
Recent election cycles have left many Christians feeling discouraged, disillusioned, and dejected. America’s two-party system has left many believers feeling politically homeless when casting a vote feels like compromising values. Tweet storms and partisan bickering have replaced constructive dialogue and keep us from asking deeper questions about what it means to be citizens and followers of Jesus Christ.
In Politics at Twilight: Faithful Political Engagement in an Age of Ideology, Dr. Ryan Tafilowski, theologian-in-residence at Denver Institute for Faith & Work, explains how we've arrived at our current political climate, and challenges readers to examine our identity in light of our faith, rather than our political ideologies.
Politics at Twilight is a free ebook from Denver Institute for Faith & Work. Complete the form below to download your complimentary copy.