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The structures and rhythms of work have changed drastically in the past five years. And while the shift to a hybrid work model has helped some workers, it has also brought workplace pressures into our homes. In this episode, Joanna Meyer talks with Rachel McDonough, a Certified Financial Planner™ professional, and a Certified Kingdom Advisor®, about how to manage and pursue wholeness in the midst of a busy life of work and relationships. Rachel is also a published author, a homeschooling mom, and a worship leader. She lives in River Falls, WI with her three kids and her husband Chris, who is also an entrepreneur.
On being mindful of the present season:
"I think it's really important to acknowledge the seasons that we're in and to try to live present in each season. So my season right now is a season of having small children and growing a couple of businesses. The thing that really has helped me [when thinking about wholeness] is something I heard Pastor Bill Johnson say once. He said, "If God is number one, there is no number two."
On co-laboring with God:
"The same prayer keeps coming to my heart, 'Lord, I only want to do things that are actually not possible in my own strength.' Because I believe that that's where eternal fruit comes from is in the co-laboring with God, himself..."
On having routine check-ins:
"The key is to continue to be intentional over time, which of course takes practice. It's almost necessary to have these scheduled intervals to check back in. Things go adrift and we need to come back to the center again and again and again. I think you can do that in a couple of ways. One is through that daily prayer time, time in the word, meditation on what God's word says and how we can apply it."
If you enjoyed this episode be sure to check out Rachel McDonough's website, Make Your Money Count.
Check out this book and documentary resource mentioned in this episode, Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too Much to Do (and More Life to Live). *
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