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The driving forces of business, commerce and capitalism don't always serve us well. How can business be leveraged for a greater good, beyond just the shareholders at the top? Jay Jakub, senior director of external research at Mars, Inc., and co-author of Completing Capitalism, is pioneering a new approach that takes a wholistic view of human, financial, social and environmental capital. Jay shows how a corporation can grow all the links in a supply chain and create a sustainable and scalable business model.
Get Jay's book, Completing Capitalism*.On natural resources: "we are consuming far more than a planet can resupply on its own.""The company is only as strong as the weakest link in its value chain.""At its essence, the jubilee's about setting the captives free, but practically speaking it's about releasing people from overwork and from over indebtedness. It is about releasing the planet from overuse and over exploitation. It is about releasing wealth from over accumulation in the hands of a shrinking minority, many of whom are not equipped to contribute entrepreneurially to growing the wealth currently in their hands in ways that go beyond making financial capital with financial capital." –Jay Jakub, Completing CapitalismJoin us for "Business for the Common Good" on February 1, 2019, and hear from Jay. He'll be our keynote speaker.Download the episode transcript.*–Purchase with purpose. Amazon donates to Denver Institute when you shop at