S6E5: The Good Jobs Advantage

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What makes a job "good," and how can business leaders help create them? What is the current pandemic teaching us in the U.S. about "essential" work? Jeff Haanen and Joanna Meyer talk about the advantages of a good job and how businesses and nonprofits can work together for workforce development.


On the promise of a good job:

"A good job is the surest way to get somebody out of poverty and keep them out of poverty, but it's also the best way to build a good, sustainable business."

On the purpose of business:

"I actually believe the purpose of business is connected to the Great Commandment: to love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself. So in this purpose of business, the purpose of business is to provide for customers, employees, investors, and our community; the key question becomes 'how can I serve?'"

On the components of a good job:

"Attracting the right talent also requires a culture shift toward designing and investing in good jobs, in good jobs: jobs with wages sufficient to reach the middle class, jobs that have stable yet flexible schedules, jobs that provide benefits and a healthy workplace culture and opportunities for advancement and pride in their work."


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