Watch: Social Entrepreneurship Panel

Laura Bernero

Panelists Joy Anderson (Criterion Institute), Rich Hoops (Impact Charitable), Neil Bellefuille (The Paradigm Project), and Jim Reiner (Belay Industries), take questions from the audience during the recent Social Entrepreneurship Forum. Questions discussed:

  • What do the world's best social entrepreneurs do?

  • How does social entrepreneurship differ domestically and internationally?

  • What is the greatest global social need that is not being addressed by social entrepreneurs?

  • How do you scale a good idea?



Laura Bernero

Laura Bernero is our blog curator, overseeing both internal content and contributions from our amazing network of writers. She loves all things creative communications, acting on the belief that we all resonate with great narrative and connect to one another through story. In addition to her role at DIFW, she manages media storytelling campaigns at SE2, a Denver-based communications agency. She was 5280 Fellow in the inaugural 2016-17 class and can’t wait to see the program continue to empower leaders throughout Denver in their unique gifts and callings.