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What is the call of the Christian in this political moment? What do our politics reveal about us and our world?
Join us was we embark on a short series titled "Faith In Public Life." For this series we will explore themes related to politics, Christian imagination, and public life. As we enter into an election year it is our hope that we would engage this season thoughtfully and in light of God's grace for the whole of our lives.
In this episode, Joanna Meyer and Ross Chapman interview Micheal Wear, Founder, President, and CEO of the Center for Christianity in Public Life. Micheal is also the author of The Spirit of Our Politics: Spiritual Formation and the Renovation of Public Life.
On the call to be a blessing:
"We share with our fellow citizens – Christians and others – the responsibility in and for our politics in the eyes of the law. Yet Christians are also called by God to be a blessing to the cities and nations in which we’ve been placed. This calling does not bestow special status or privilege; it is a call to service."
On where we are making our home:
“The crisis is not that we’re politically homeless, but that we thought we could make our home in politics at all.”
On the type of people we are:
“We cannot separate the kind of politics we have from the kind of people we are.”
Download the episode transcript.
The Spirit of Our Politics: Spiritual Formation and the Renovation of Public Life by Michael Wear
The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life in God by Dallas Willard
Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ by Dallas Willard
The Politics of Neighborly Love (2016) With a keynote from Justin Giboney (AND Campaign) and a panel discussion featuring Gov. Bill Haslam, Scott Sauls, and Stephanie Summers (Center for Public Justice), this presentation helps to develop a biblical, non-partisan framework for understanding our role as Christian citizens.