What's better than a good book? A new book recommendation that you may not have discovered yet. As a group of (somewhat nerdy) readers, we've assembled this list of recommendations below in honor of #bookloversday 2018.
Creation & Fall, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"If the intent of Genesis 1-3 is not to discuss how and how long creation took, what is it trying to tell us about God and humanity?" –Brian
Life of the Beloved, by Henri Nouwen
"I’ve been told for a long time that I should read Nouwen, and I finally took it seriously and was not disappointed. Nouwen has a gentle, kind, compassionate, and invitational way of reminding you who you were made to be. When you forget or when you just need a reminder of God’s kindness, this is a must read." –Christine
The Name of the Wind, by Patrick Rothfuss
"This is one of the only books I read on a regular basis. It’s the first book in an (unfinished) trilogy, and while hard to summarize, it’s an epic tale told in first-person narrative about a kid overcoming adversity and growing into a hero. Amazing storytelling… the dude is a genius. This first book is pretty tame for fantasy genre, the second book gets a little weirder, and everyone’s been waiting like 8 years for him to write the 3rd and final of the series. After I go on long stints of not using the creative part of my brain, I make myself read something like a fantasy novel to balance out." –Stephen
Our Kids, by Robert Putnam
The Road Back to You, by Ian Morgan Cron & Suzanne Stabile
"I love exploring personality types, organizational psychology, and anything else that helps explain my quirks. Although I'm a little late to the bandwagon, The Road Back to You is a great introduction that combines the wisdom of the enneagram with spiritual formation. It's a great, accessible read for anyone interested in learning more about their family, friends, or colleagues." –Dustin
Got a recommendation of your own? Let us know! Tweet us, find us on Facebook, or check us out on Instragram and share your own current or recent favorite. And happy #bookloversday!